So, two weeks ago today, on the way to church, out of the blue I really felt God tell me He wants us to adopt. (Because "out of the blue" is God's style, right?!) Let me back up and say, We've been going back and forth about a third child for a while now. The biggest drawback is that when Brodie switched jobs last year, we had to take out insurance on our own. and because of that, they (the insurance companies) won't cover c-sections (which I have to have), so if we do have a third, we will pay 100% - at least $20g's, probably more. Nice, right?
SO, back to that drive to church. I really felt like God was telling me that we needed to adopt - something I'd never really, honestly considered before. (I mean, have you seen the quality of kids we produce??) But, I just kept hearing it over and over and over. On the plus, most adoptions are less then the amount we'd have to pay for a biological baby, and we'd be giving a new life to someone already in need. It made me think of one part of our pastor's message last week - passing on something good (a baby biologically) for something great (adopting a baby who needs to be loved.) Flash forward two days and a horrible, devastating earthquake destroys most of Haiti - one of the poorest countries with tens of thousands of already orphaned children. I was reading online about it and came across this video with Soladad O'Brien. I could not stop watching it and crying for these babies. From then I began to wonder what could I do, how could I help. Then I heard that Voice again. That evening, I told Brodie instead of a weekend away for my birthday (a few days away) I wanted to adopt a Haitian baby. He looked at me like I was nuts. (I just may be.) After talking it through for a few days, we are now diligently praying about adopting one of these precious babies.
Since then, I have prayed, read, researched, immersing myself in all things Haiti. It makes me truly sick at the amount of red tape and restrictions that come along with the adoption process. Pre-quake the Haitian government required you be 35 and married at least 10 years to adopt. Strike one and two - we are 30 & 31 and have been married 5 years. But, I truly believe if it's God's will, it will happen. I have come across this blog which is the story of a family in Cali who has been in the process of adopting a Haitian boy for almost 3 years. He finally came home yesterday thanks to the humanitarian parole the US govt is granting to those who were already in the process.
I truly believe God has a reason and a purpose for everything. Maybe we will become parents to one of these precious babies, maybe we won't. I do know though that no matter what our outcome may be, I will continue to pray for all those affected by this horrible tragedy.